Gentle Hatha Mondays @ 9-10 am ~ 7 class session Jan 27-Mar 10
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In this relaxing class, we'll move through poses at an easy pace. Perfect for those wanting to slow down, connect with the body and improve flexibility.
Classes open with simple breath work and close with savasana (reclined relaxation pose).
Dates: Dates: Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar 3, 10.
IMPORTANT: Please review the class policies here before attending class sessions.
You are encouraged to bring your own props (yoga mat etc.) to class, but I will have some sanitized props available. I recommend having a blanket or towel to sit on, as most of our backs appreciate the extra support. Yoga blocks and a strap are handy (though not entirely necessary).
If you prefer, reserve your class spot by calling or texting Lacey at 250-614-3965.